How Much Tenant Need to Prepare If Interested to Rent
2 Rooms 2 Bathrooms 1 Car Park
2Rooms 2Bathrooms 1Car Park
Rental: RM 2900/mnth
1. Advanced rental: RM 2900
2. 1.5 month Deposit : RM 4350
3. 0.5month Deposit: RM 1450
4. Admin Fee: RM 300
*5. Card Deposit: RM -
(RM250/ card, max 5 cards)
*6. key Deposit: RM -
(RM30/ key, max 3 keys)
!4 Keys = 3 rooms keys + main door key!
Case 1: RM 9320 with 2 cards
If tenant request 2 cards, 3 keys
2 x RM 250 = RM 500
3 x RM 30 = RM 90
Grand Total: RM 9590
Booking Fee: RM 300
Balance Payment on Key Collection day:
RM 9290
Case 2: RM 9570 with 3 cards
If tenant request 3 cards, 3 keys
3 x RM 250 = RM 750
3 x RM 30 = RM 90
Grand Total: RM 9840
Booking Fee: RM 300
Balance Payment on Key Collection day:
RM 9540
** + RM 250 for additional access card**
** advisable to duplicable keys outside**